High Sierra Chapter Library

If you want to "check out" any book or DVD, email your request to info@bchnv.com and Joan will bring the items to the next meeting.

Mule Packing - Decker System (2 DVDs and 1 Video Available), Bob Hoverson

Long Distance Riding, Marcy Drummond

The Wild Horse-An Adopter's Guide, Eustis-cross and Bowker

Trail Riding, Rhonda Hart-Poe

The Complete Book of Horse Care, Tim Hawcroft

Dutch Oven and Outdoor Cooking, Robyn Heitler

Seabiscuit, Laura Hillenbrand

Endurance Riding-From Beginning to Winning, Lew Hollander

Think Harmony with Horses, Ray Hunt

The Horse Owner's Guide to Natural Hoofcare, Jaime Jackson

Riding Between The Worlds, Linda Kohanov

First Aid for Horse and Rider, Nancy Loving DVM

From Foal to Fullgrown, Janet Lorch

Lyons on Horses, John Lyons

Problem Solving, Marty Marten

From Birth to Backing, Richard Maxwell

Imprint Training, Robert M Miller DVM

Bombproof Your Horse, Robert Pelicano

Natural Horsemanship, Pat Parelli

Navicular Syndrome in The Horse, David W Ramey DVM

Making Natural Hoof Care Work for You, Pete Ramey

The Man Who Listens to Horses, Monty Roberts

The Complete Guide to Endurance Riding and Competition, Donna Snyder-Smith

Horseowner's Guide to lameness, Ted S Stashak

A Gymnastic Riding System Using Mind Body and Spirit, Betsy Steiner

Tack Buyers Guide, Charlene Strickland

Ten Feet Tall, Still Julie Suhr

Centered Riding, Sally Swift

Getting in T Touch, Linda Tellington-Jones

The Horse Illustrated Guide to English Riding, Lesley Ward

How to start and Run a Horse Rescue, Jennifer Williams Ph.d

How to be Your Own Veterinarian, Sometimes, Ruth B James DVM